Thursday, September 07, 2006

can you wait?

am supposed to update on the Karambunai trip and pictures..later okay guess, kinda busy.


cekmi said...

cantiknya layout baru wtl. bunga2 lagi. eh, cekmi org pertama ke?

Yati WTL said...

cekya org pertama yg singgah. glad u like it.

lunacy said...

eh i pun dah tengok the layout last wk cuma tak sempat nak bersuara tau.

Yati WTL said...

need to betulkan the layout...somehow dia punya links n tagboard kat bwh.

cekmi said...

um, wtl, it's PASSERS-BY, not PASSERBYS. cant help but i got to correct it. jangan marah ye.. ;-)

Yati WTL said...

thanks cekmi...tak marah pun

she-blocks said...

hahaha...cekmi dah keas bahasa inggerisnyer...hehehe...good eye, cekmi..